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 twGetStruct( sT, sL, sB, sR, wT, wL, wB, wR, tShadow,;
              tScr, uScr, tlength, twidth, tThick,;
              sh13, sh17, sh79, sh39 )

     Get the instance variables for a window returned by reference.
     This function is used internally by TSDWIN but may be used to
     derive your own window functions.


     These parameters are all passed by reference.

     sT,sL,sB,sR - 'N' Coordinates of hidden screen.

     wT,wL,wB,wR - 'N' Coordinates of display window.

     tShadow     - 'N' Window shadow type.

     tScr        - 'C' Current display screen for the  window.

     uScr        - 'C' Saved screen.

     tlength     - 'N' Window length.

     twidth      - 'N' Window width.

     tThick      - 'N' Window shadow thickness.

     sh13        - 'N' IIF( STRINT( tShadow ) $ "13", 1, 0 )

     sh17        - 'N' IIF( STRINT( tShadow ) $ "17", tThick, 0 )

     sh79        - 'N' IIF( STRINT( tShadow ) $ "79", 1, 0 )

     sh39        - 'N' IIF( STRINT( tShadow ) $ "39", tThick, 0 )




     twGetStruct( @sT, @sL, @sB, @sR, @wT, @wL, @wB, @wR,;
                  @tShadow, @tScr, @uScr, @tlength,;
                  @twidth, @tThick,;
                  @sh13, @sh17, @sh79, @sh39 )

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson